While browsing social media I could see a chunk of my friends consume very similar content. That is why I am now aggregating all the good reads from past week and hopefully you will discover something interesting for you too.
- Tesla autopilot becomes increasingly smarter: http://electrek.co/2015/10/30/the-autopilot-is-learning-fast-model-s-owners-are-already-reporting-that-teslas-autopilot-is-self-improving/
- Do you have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)? http://www.bothsidesofthetable.com/2015/10/31/how-to-know-if-you-have-add-and-what-to-do-about-it/
- Sam Altman’s startup playbook walks you through Idea, Team, Product and Execution. http://playbook.samaltman.com/
- The fate of Deutsche Bank ex-bosses (German): http://www.zeit.de/2015/43/deutsche-bank-frankfurt-westend-manager-aufsichtsrat
- Gil Dibner’s Nordic VC slides: http://www.slideshare.net/gdibner/nordic-vc-slides
- Atlassian is an amazing SaaS business. Tons to learn from them. Great article from Tomas Tunguz: http://tomtunguz.com/atlassian-s-1/
- Mark Suster predicts the bubble. Again 🙂 http://www.bothsidesofthetable.com/2015/10/18/venture-outlook-2016/
- Invaluable advice from Kenny van Zant, pioneer of the Flywheel SaaS business model: http://tomtunguz.com/kenny-van-zant-office-hours-notes/
- And if you wonder what is theFlywheel SaaS business model, read this: http://tomtunguz.com/saas-innovators-solution/
Looking forward to some more suggestions to add. Just drop me a line in the comments.
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See you soon!